Message text written by "Tom Kreyche"
>Can anyone tell me if there are dials for public viewing<

I didn't see many when there in February last, but there are two excellent
declining dials on a building at the corner of a 'square' on one of the
tram routes up to the castle - though where exactly I am having difficulty
finding out! It's reached by crossing the Manes bridge from the town centre
towards the castle (that's the bridge one up from the Charles Bridge and
which has trams running across it), walking past where the trams come in
from the right to where they (and the road!) go through a small tunnel and
out into a sort of square at the other side into the start of the Mala
Strana (lesser town) district.  The building with the two dials is on the
right. They are high up.

Sorry I cannot be more specific.



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