THE COMPETITION OF THE YEAR !!!!!!  (Well, almost... <weg>)

I wonder if I might seek the indulgence of all subscribers to this mail
list to remind BSS Members (of both Individual and Family Membership
categories) of the approaching deadline for entries to the 2006 BSS
Photographic Competition?

Entries are now being accepted for this Competition which will be judged
and the results announced, at the forthcoming BSS Annual Conference in
Cambridge in April 2007. The deadline for delivery to me of all entries is
close of play on Wednesday February 28th 2007. All entries must be
delivered to me by hand or by post and not by e-mail. Adherence to the
Rules will be strictly enforced.

If you are not yet a BSS Member but would still like to take part, we would
be delighted. All you have to do is join the Society AND deliver your
entry(ies) to me before the 28th February deadline. The BSS Web Site on gives details of how to do both of these.

For those who are already BSS Members, copies of the rules, the necessary
entry form and full information as to how to submit up to three entries per
Member, may all be obtained at the BSS web site - or from me. To obtain
further details of the Competition, simply point your browser at:

or contact me by e-mail and I will be pleased to send you a form which may
be printed off and completed.

Pictures of all of the winning entries and also many of those from other
entrants will be published in colour in future BSS Bulletins.  This really
is an ideal opportunity for your photographic and artistic skills to
receive nothing short of world-wide acclaim.

Thank you for your attention.  I wish all entrants the best of luck.

Patrick Powers 
(2006 BSS Photo Competition Organiser)


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