Message text written by Tony Moss
>What do we know about Ferguson?<

James Ferguson (1710 – 1776)
James Ferguson was born in the parish of Rothiemay,
in Banffshire, the son of a peasant farmer. It’s an
interesting comment on the value that we in the NE
have placed on education over the centuries that his
father living 300 years ago in an isolated country
cottage in this part of Scotland could both read and
write. James Ferguson was what is known as selftaught
or, as he liked to say, ‘taught by God’. He had
negligible formal schooling but did receive informal
instruction from some of the local educated men.
Later he had guidance from his own friends, amongst
whom was one of the 18th century’s most able
mathematicians, Colin Maclaurin, who had by then
moved from Aberdeen to Edinburgh. [The Scottish
National Portrait Gallery has a copy of a drawing of
Maclaurin made by Ferguson].
College, Aberdeen

For this and more see: (page three)

Is this your man?



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