Dear Mr Kreigler,

     I must rise to
Simons' defense here.  I think you
misunderstood his posting.  He went to
the municipal government of Silver City, New Mexico, USA and had the September
solstice declared Sundial Day in Silver City, New Mexico, USA…not the
world.  Much like various local officials
in Germany declare “Octoberfest” (which some of us gladly celebrate here in the
USA) or any of the other local “Days” which all of us world round are so fond
of declaring for our favorite causes or interests.  I don’t think it was an 
attempt on Simons
part to “shock and awe” anyone in another sovereign nation.  I think Simon 
should be recognized for his
effort to increase sundial awareness in his small corner of the globe.  
Remember, the sun shines on all dials without
regard to religion, race, nationality, or social class and anything any of us
can do to make our friends and neighbors stop and notice the humble dial is to
be appreciated.Sincerely,Patrick O'HearnAnacortes, Washington, USA



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