Chi Lian
It's good to see someone thinking about the EoT !

And to other contributors, many thanks for your additions concerning watches 
and clocks, which I was most interested to see

If you visit 
Click on the Sundials link and then click the last item on the list there 
"Representing the EoT", you will find a number of curves representing EoT, 
including both the kidney polar curve and it's 'intrinsic' counterpart. The 
later - with equal spacing between points is marginally easier to read, but is 
no use for mechanical devices.

The problem with the kidney curve - mechanically sound though it is - is that 
it is just plain UGLY. Also it fails my test, which is "does it teach anything 
about the sun, astronomy and sundials?" The answer, I think, is "Not much".

So I prefer mechanical representations of the EoT which generate the two 
components (obliquity and eccentricity) visibly and separately and then 
recombine them. (The second and fifth item on my sundials web page, mentioned 
above, are movies showing these in operation)

However, the master of all mechanical EoT generators must be the device in the 
Strassburg cathedral clock. I cannot find a web picture of this, but I have 
posted a not-very-clear photo of it at the above web-site

Best regards
Kevin Karney
Freedom Cottage, Llandogo, Monmouth NP25 4TP, Wales, UK
51° 44' N 2° 41' W Zone 0
+ 44 1594 530 595

On 21 Jun 2011, at 17:11, Chiu 邱,Chi lian wrote:

> Hi,
> I figured out a way to plot EoT curve which I didn't see in sundial books I 
> own. 
> Diagram is enclosed here.
> For a better resolution one, see
> Best regards,
> ChiLian   24.8N 121E
> <EoT_S .png>---------------------------------------------------


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