Hi Frank:

Can you say more about how to read the photograph you attached?
Is there an existing dial that incorporates detection of 29 Feb?

Have Fun,

Brooke Clarke

Frank King wrote:
Dear Jos,

You ask a good question...

Can a sundial be used to see if we are in
a leap year or not?
You need to come to the British Sundial Society
Newbury meeting on Saturday.  I shall be giving
a talk entitled:

    Mind the Gap: Sundials and Leap Years

Visit the BSS website http://www.sundialsoc.org.uk
and then download:


...to find details of the time and place of the

If you can't slip over from Belgium then you can
read an article on the subject that I hope will
be published in the December BSS Bulletin.

The short answer to your question is "yes" but the
limitations of the Gregorian Calendar mean you
can't satisfactorily design an instrument without
moving parts that will track the leap year cycle
for more than about 40 years.

You can look at the attached picture where you
can see the analemma I set out in London where
29 February is included as a separate date.

How about joining the BSS?  You will find the
answers to many of your questions there :-)

All the best

Frank King
Cambridge, U.K.



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