John was correct to mention this and the matter is gathering pace.  See this 
from a UK broadsheet that even sees a recent Archbishop of Canterbury and now 
the Vatican as well as established BBC presenters up in arms.

This silly notation is even now really only established to any degree in North 
America – though why I do not know.  For some 30 years I was a referee for the 
Institute of Physics on a minor aspect of mass spectrometry instrumentation, 
one aspect of which many will know is connected with instruments for conducting 
radiocarbon dating.  One memorable paper that I received for review quoted 
dates resulting from the stated research which were clearly in error from those 
expected, by about 2000 years.  On careful reading the author turned out to 
have used the terms BCE and CE to refer to ‘Current Era’ (meaning today’s 
dates) rather than ‘Common Era’ meaning those of AD and BC.  At the time of 
that paper there was no common understanding outside the US of the terms BCE 
and CE and there is still confusion today. It really is a nonsense which 
amounts, to quote Jane Austen’s excellent turn of phrase, to a ‘needless 
precipitance’ to use such terms in science.


From: Tony Finch 
Sent: Thursday, September 29, 2011 10:43 AM
To: John Carmichael 
Subject: Re: BBC bans The B.C. and A.D. 

John Carmichael <> wrote:
> Britain's BBC has banned the use of B.C and A.D. when refering to dates!

Please don't propagate tabloid lies.

f.anthony.n.finch  <>
Forties, Cromarty, Forth, Tyne, Dogger: South 4 or 5. Slight or moderate.
Mainly fair. Good, occasionally poor.

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