John & Richard:

Whatr a sloppy mess my posting was, where I told the solution for h.

This is a better way to present it, and a neat, convenient way to evaluate
the solution:

The quadratic formula:

[-b +/- sqrt (b^2 - 4ac] / 2a


a,b, & c, for this solution:

a = sin^2 Lat + 1/tan^2 Az

b = 2 tan dec cos Lat / tan Az

c = tan^2dec cos^2 Lat - sin^2 Lat


By the quadratic formula:

sin h = [-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4ac] / 2a


Constraints on h:

If intended azimuth is west of the north-south line, then h and its sine
are positive

If intended aziuth is east of the north-south line, then h and its sine are

If intended azimuth is south of the east-west line,
then cos h > tan dec / tan Lat.

If intended azimuth is north of the east-west line,
then cos h < tan dec / tan Lat.


Michael Ossipoff

If intened azimuth is north of the east-west line, then cos h < tan dec

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