1.5 seconds? The clock is two seconds fast this morning due to its natural rate 
and the leap second. By the way, did anyone catch the seven pips live on BBC 
Radio 4 last night? Using the BBC's "listen again" feature, none of the other 
BBC radio stations carried the pips at midnight; they all (or mostly all) used 
Big Ben. And the listen again feature for Radio 4 just before midnight is a 
repeat of an earlier program when they announce the time as 5 p.m.!

-- Richard Langley

| Richard B. Langley                            E-mail: l...@unb.ca         |
| Geodetic Research Laboratory                  Web: http://gge.unb.ca      |
| Dept. of Geodesy and Geomatics Engineering    Phone:    +1 506 453-5142   |
| University of New Brunswick                   Fax:      +1 506 453-4943   |
| Fredericton, N.B., Canada  E3B 5A3                                        |
|        Fredericton?  Where's that?  See: http://www.fredericton.ca/       |

From: sundial <sundial-boun...@uni-koeln.de> on behalf of Frank King 
Sent: Sunday, January 1, 2017 8:30 AM
To: sundial@uni-koeln.de
Subject: Leap Second Quiz Question

Dear All,

I hope you all enjoyed the extra second
in bed this morning and that your alarm
clock didn't go off one second early.

Here is an easy question to start off
the New Year...

Every Sunday at 08:00 I check the first
stroke of the hour-bell of the University
Clock against a radio-controlled UTC clock.

If it is slow I add coins to the tray on
the pendulum.  If it is fast I remove
coins.  My formula for the required
adjustment includes a figure for:

    Last Week's Gain [LWG]

Here are my recent observations:

  25 December   clock 0.5 seconds fast
   1 January    clock 2.0 seconds fast

Is the appropriate figure for LWG:

    a) 0.5 seconds
    b) 1.5 seconds
    c) 2.5 seconds


Frank H. King
Keeper of the University Clock
Cambridge, U.K.



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