when I said supplementalShadows.pdf I meant to type 
sorry. However my averaging fir 4 years is avtually, now I look at it, in the 
Excel sheet 
specifically the "astroEOT" sheet, however I did the averaging for mid month so 
as a turnkey it may not help. But do look at that sheet as it is easy to 
modify. The sheet is orotected, so do ALT-T  then P  then  P  again to 
unprotected it.

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 17:21, Kenneth R clark<krcl...@embarqmail.com> wrote: 
I had an error message from AOL Sorry for no subject line and my files were not 

Let me retry with this account.

Hi everyone,

     I am working onmy Equation of Time plaque for my aluminum cross sundial.  
All the instructions and graphics and EQT willbe on an 8 ½” diameter ½” 
aluminum plate. I do not want to use the standard graph found on many sundials 
butinstead a chart for the whole year, mins and secs, to add or subtract 
totalcorrection to get watch time.  I do nothave much room for detailed 

     I looked atdifference sources for the chart and would like to verify the 
most accurate timesto use the four year leap year cycle for a church at 
40.1526N, 76.6038W.   I have looked at the Solar Noon calculator,Sonne and 
Shadows-(cannot input decimal degrees?)  Are there other sources or spreadsheet 

     I like to conveythat sundials are accurate.  I envisionthat a person will 
wait till the shadow is on a line and the person will knowwhat time it is 
suppose to be even though this type of sundial may not be designfor precision.

     I made a quickdrawing.  There will be some type of sunimage at the top and 
a logo at the bottom for the location.  The chart in the center is from 
anotherproject that I did just to see how it would look and if the printing is 
large enoughto read.  I would have to change theinputs to standard time for the 
whole year. I have also attached a picture of the sundial.

     I just want toknow if I am using the right times and would appreciate any 
comments orsuggestions.

Thanks very much

Ken Clark                                                                       

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