*The Minimum-Displacement Leapyear Rule:*
This is a leap-week leapyear-rule.
The common (non-leap) year is 364 days long.
A leapyear is 364 + 7 = 371 days long.
The leapweek is added at the end of the year, becoming part of that year
Epoch: Gregorian January 2, 2017
....is this calendar's start, being this calendar's January 1, 2017..

*Variable: *
D stands for "displacement".

Though this definition isn't needed for the specification of this
leapyear-rule, displacement is a change or difference in the relation
between date and ecliptic longitude. Actually the progress of a mean-year,
or an approximation to one, usually stands in for ecliptic longitude in a

D, here, is the difference between the current year's displacement from the
year's desired relation between date & ecliptic longitude (where ecliptic
longitude is represented by the progress of the mean-year).

1. Dzero is the starting value of D, the value of D at the calendar's epoch.
(The epoch is the time at which the calendar is defined to start).

2. Y is the length of the leapyear-rule's mean-year (I sometimes call it
the "reference-year" too).

For the value of Dzero, I offer -.6288 or 0.  Of those two, I recommend
(...for reasons I'll get to later in this post.)

A Dzero of -.6288 means that the year is, at its epoch, displaced by -.6288
days from its desired relation of date & season.

For the value of Y, I recommend 365.24217, the approximate number of mean
solar days in a mean tropical year (MTY).

Dzero & Y are the two adjustment-parameters that I spoke of in a previous

*Year-End Change in D:*

At the end of a calendar year (whether common or leap), the value of D
changes by an amount equal to Y minus the length of that year in days.

If that change would otherwise result in a D value greater than +3.5, then
7 days are added to the end of that year, before implementing the paragraph
before this one.   ...making that year a leapyear.

[end of Minimum-Displacement leapyear-rule]

In this way, the value of D is kept within the limits of -3.5 days to + 3.5
D is a good measure of the calendar's displacement from its desired
date/season relation defined by Dzero.

The -.6288 value of Dzero is consistent with a desired relation of
calendar-date and ecliptic-longitude (...where ecliptic-longitude is
represented by the progress of the 365.24217 day mean-year) that is the
midpoint of the extremes of the values that that relation had between
January 1, 1950 and January 1, 2017.

...in order that the calendar's center of displacement-oscillation be the
average of its variation-extremes since January 1, 1950.

...so that the calendar's date-season relation will stay close to where it
has been during the experience of currently-living humans.

Though I like the ISO WeekDate calendar, and it's said that it has a good
chance of eventually displacing Roman-Gregorian, via gradually-increasing
usage, my proposal is a calendar using the 30,30,31 quarters, and the
Minimum-Displacement leapyear-rule, with Dzero = -.6288, and with Y =

I should add that calculation, with the  Minimum-Displacement rule, of
durations, day-of-the-week, & displacements are no more difficult than the
same calculations with the Gregorian leapyear-rule.

And determination of whether a particular far-distant year is a leapyear is
no more difficult than those calculations.

...and of course the determination of whether the *next* year is a leapyear
is just a matter of directly applying the leapyear-rule, as defined above. .

..and of course, any time when the current year is a leapyear, that fact
will be amply announced long before the end of that year.

Michael Ossipoff
approx. 26N, 80W

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