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Dear colleagues and friends

I have spent a lot of time over the last few years in front of my computer 
thinking about the Equation of Time. Recently my son asked where all the output 
of my studies resided. At first, I thought I should write a book. But instead I 
acquired a new domain and found that Adobe had a simple package that allows one 
to make a nice looking website with little technical effort.

You can find the website at https://Equation-of-Time.info

It contains three main sections, all copiously illustrated...
The Equation of Time - 8 pages. Here,  see the videos on why the Equation of 
Time looks as it does (under the page ‘The components of the Equation of 
Time’). I am particularly proud of these!
Sundials that are (or can be) Equation corrected - 8 pages
Mechanical Means to Simulate the EoT - 6 pages.

I have been harvesting images of EoT related things for many years, often 
without recording where they came from. So if I have included an image of yours 
and have not attributed it to you, please let me know.

Please do have a look and send comments/additions/corrections/improvements

Best wishes
Kevin Karney - from Wales

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