With Windows 7 (and 2008R2) we take advantage of the RDP 7 feature called enhanced bitmap caching. We rely on RDP7 to tag accelerated content, which it then converts to an RDP7 extension called NSCodec. Typically the accelerated will cover Flash, Silverlight, and programs that make use of Windows Presentation Foundation (like PowerPoint in Presentation mode).

The size limitations, as described in the wiki, are still in effect for both RDP 5.2 and RDP7:


This may include items played through Windows media player. Unlike the XP/2003 "MMR" solution were you installed Oracle software on the Windows Guest, we do not currently redirect the WMP stream to decode at the DTU. However, as we rely on RDP7 to tag the content, it's possible that some WMP content will not be tagged appropriately when played through WMP.

We are investigating adding the RDP7 native Windows Media Redirection feature in uttsc, but based on feedback from our RDP 5.2 enhancements, most customers felt "Flash" was more critical than WMP content.

Customers also stated that they preferred, when possible, to not have to install special tools on their Windows Hosts. Thus instead of developing a new solution for RDP7 (the graphics layer is a lot different than RDP 5.2) we chose to support the native features of the protocols.

Downside, as even Microsoft states in their RDP7 white paper, that it is a potentially taxing situation from both a CPU and network perspective.


The Sun Ray Windows connector detects the NSCodec content, decompresses it, transcodes it to M-JPEG, then sends it to the DTU. The conversion to M-JPEG is a huge bandwidth savings if you were to compare the bandwidth required from the Windows server to the Sun Ray Server, thus those should located as close together as possible. Having the Windows Servers or VMs across a WAN link from the Sun Ray server and trying to watch RDP7 accelerated content can be problematic.

The downside of the solution is that it will require more processing power on the Sun Ray server, and really requires a processor with good single threaded performance. Older servers, or servers not built for single threaded application performance can suffer with the native RDP 7 support.

Especially when comparing it to the RDP5.2 Flash solution, there was almost zero load on the Sun Ray Server since the M-JPEG encoding happened at the Windows layer. The load created by the decompression or transcoding routines that are required with the RDP7 feature, simply weren't there before.

On 1/27/11 7:54 AM, Darrel Hankerson wrote:
Craig Bender writes:

    [Rays and multimedia accel in a VMWare View environment]
    What version of Win7 is this?  What VMWare tools are installed on the
    VM?  Any of the multimedia enhancements for View based RDP

The only add-on accel software of which I'm aware in this environment
are delivered by Sun, and I don't see that these apply to Windows 7:


We run a config similar to Endicott, and the Sun accelerations can be
impressive when they work.  However, we had sufficient problems (on XP,
especially with media player) that we discarded all but the Sun audio
driver (to provide audio/video sync).

We experience audio/video sync on Windows 7 without the Sun audio driver
that is roughly similar to XP with the driver.  (We eat more bandwidth
with Windows 7, but have not investigated the source.)

Darrel Hankerson
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