How big would the chance be to crowd fund a buy out of SRSS from Oracle? 

1) OpenOffice was released to the open source community by Oracle because they 
did not make money from it. So, how big are the chances that Oracle freely 
release SRSS to the community? Very slim? What are your thoughts on this?

2) If chances are very slim we can stop hoping for a free release from Oracle. 
Instead, would it be possible to reach Oracle if we crowd funded a buy out of 
SRSS? Probably yes, if there are money involved. How much money? What are your 

3) How big is the user base, how many would be interested in contributing 
money? Maybe there are some organizations and companies too, that are willing 
to contribute money? I would be interested in contributing money for sure.

4) Should we try to pursue this suggestion more seriously? Am I the only one 
interested in this, then it is no idea. But if we can gain momentum, it might 
be possible. Then we could make plans of a buy out.
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