> I'd like to be part of the organization, but I am probably not going to
> be active enough to be an administrator, github name: gauteh.

OK, I've set up a team called committers (with commit access to all
repos) and added you. Also happy to make you an owner if you want.

I'm don't have strong views on where the wiki should be, but it would
be nice if people can just go and edit it with minimal fuss. It looks
like you'd have to be given access to edit the github wiki, so a bit
of a higher barrier to entry which I would prefer to not put in
people's way.  But if we change our minds later (or if everyone
prefers it) then I have the pages as markdown, so transferring it
across to the github wiki would be very little work.

Right, should probably go and dig up various patches I've copied off
the email list that I wasn't sure about and turn them into pull
requests to open up discussion on them.

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