Excerpts from Ico's message of 2014-03-23 14:15:51 +0100:
> Does sup track read/unread for individual mails? For example, I open a
> thread with 3 mails and read them all. The thread drops from my inbox.
> A few hours later I find the thread back in my inbox and open it again,
> it now has 6 mails. How do I know which 3 are the new ones? Only the
> last one is opened by default, but how do I tell which others I still
> need to read?
> Is there a way to have unread mails unfolded by default?

Weird, on my sup I have all new mails unfolded by default, and the focus
is on the first one that is unfolded (either because it's unread or
starred). That state is kept separately for each message indeed, so in
your scenario it behaves as you expect. What version are you running ?

You can see which message is unread with the 'N' on each message's top

Matthieu Rakotojaona

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