Hi Gary;
Yes --- you got it!!! Front/Back --- Maybe push front, but not real hard! It's a weird thing, you just need to experiment.

Chuck D.

On Thursday, September 8, 2005, at 08:09  PM, Gary Gorbet wrote:

Thanks for your reply, Chuck.

Yes, I cleaned the CPU card contacts with an eraser. I'll go ahead and give it a more thorough cleaning.

What do you mean by "MB socket"? Do you simply mean the socket into which the card goes? If so, do you mean I should try to exert pressure towards the back when I insert it, then - if that does not make any difference - try pushing it a little more towards the front? I'm certainly willing to try anything at this point.

Thanks, again.

Hi Gary;
One thing that I seem to be the only one to have noticed and commented on --

The CPU card/ MB socket connection seems to NOT be the most consistent thing in the world. I too have had consistent results with a 'stock' CPU. The upgrade cards however seem to be prone to exhibit DIFFERENT results based on which end of the MB socket the CPU card is shoved towards as it's installed.

When nothing else works, It's worth a try.

(You have tried cleaning the CPU card edge contacts with an eraser, haven't you?)

Chuck D.

On Thursday, September 8, 2005, at 07:48  AM, Gary Gorbet wrote:

Hi, Listers.

I am currently deep in one of the worst cases of "black screen of death" I've ever experienced. I'm at the end of my rope.


It's hard to believe a card or my RAM suddenly went bad when it had been running so well before the last Tiger install attempt. Can any of you offer any advice on other ways to reset whatever is holding up the system from proceeding through the first few steps of a reboot. Help!!!!


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