You probably could have it initial a ping or similar callback to the NIS with 
an if/else switch as well for the checks. Target a file, directory, IP signal, 
anything really and if found, start the service, else it exits and gets retried.

Sent from my Windows Phone
From: Luke Diamand<>
Sent: ‎1/‎7/‎2015 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling

On 07/01/15 07:05, James Powell wrote:
> The way I see it is this... Either you have high level dependency handling 
> within the service supervision system itself, or you have low level 
> dependency handling within the service execution files.
> Keeping the system as simplified as possible lowers the probability and 
> possibility of issues. That's one of the basic rules of UNIX programming.
> I, personally, don't see a need other than low level handling. 
> Systemd/uselessd even does this within the unit files, as does some instances 
> of sysvinit/bsdinit by using numbered symlinks for execution order or using a 
> master control script.

systemd also has 'wants' directories which add dependencies to a unit in
much the way that's being suggested here.

sysvinit obviously has all the LSB headers in the init.d files to try to
express dependencies.

Avery - your suggestion sounds like it ought to be simple to implement
and reasonably easy to understand for a sys-admin. Perhaps the way to go
is to suck it and see - it'll perhaps then be more obvious with a real
implementation if it's worth pursuing.

One small concern would be that it's not enough to simply signal a
dependency to be "up" - it needs to be actually running and working
before you can start the dependent service successfully. To take my
[least-]favourite example, you can't start autofs until ypbind has
actually contacted the NIS server.

> Sent from my Windows Phone
> ________________________________
> From: Avery Payne<>
> Sent: ‎1/‎6/‎2015 10:35 PM
> To: Steve Litt<>
> Cc:<>
> Subject: Re: thoughts on rudimentary dependency handling
>> On Jan 6, 2015, at 4:56 PM, Steve Litt <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Jan 2015 13:17:39 -0800
>> Avery Payne <> wrote:
>>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2015 at 10:20 AM, Laurent Bercot
>>> <
>>>> wrote:
>>>> I firmly believe that a tool, no matter what it is, should do what
>>>> the user wants, even if it's wrong or can't possibly work. If you
>>>> cannot do what the user wants, don't try to be smart; yell at the
>>>> user, spam the logs if necessary, and fail. But don't do anything
>>>> the user has not explicitly told you to do.
>>> And there's the rub.  I'm at a crossroad with regard to this because:
>>> 1. The user wants service A to run.
>>> 2. Service A needs B (and possibly C) running, or it will fail.
>>> Should the service fail because of B and C, even though the user
>>> wants A up,
>>> or
>>> Should the service start B and C because the user requested A be
>>> running?
>> I thought the way to do the latter was like this:
>> If every "upstream" simply declared that his program needs B and C
>> running before his program runs, it's easy to translate that into an sv
>> start command in the run script.
> Normally, with hand written scripts, that would be the case.   You cobble 
> together what is needed and go on your way.  But this time things are a 
> little different.  The project I'm doing uses templates - pre-written scripts 
> that turn the various launch issues into variables while using the same code. 
>  This reduces development time and bugs - write the template once, debug it 
> once, and reuse it over and over.
> The idea for dependencies is that I could write something that looks at 
> symlinks in a directory and if the template finds anything, it starts the 
> dependency.  Otherwise it remains blissfully unaware.
> The issue that Laurent is arguing for is that by creating such a framework - 
> even one as thin and as carefully planned - it shuts out future possibilities 
> that would handle this correctly at a very high level, without the need to 
> write or maintain this layout.  To accommodate this possibility and to 
> maximize compatibility, he is arguing to stay with the same "service is 
> unaware of its surroundings" that have been a part of the design of all the 
> frameworks - let things fail and make the admin fix it.  There is merit to 
> this, not just because of future expansions, but also because it allows the 
> end user (read: SysAdmin) the choice of running things.  Or long story short, 
> "don't set policy, let the end user decide".  And I agree; I'm a bit old 
> school about these things and I picked up Linux over a decade ago because I 
> wanted choices.
> But from a practical perspective there isn't anything right now that handles 
> dependencies at a global level.  The approach of "minimum knowledge needed 
> and best effort separation of duty" would give a minimal environment for the 
> time being.  The design is very decentralized and works at a peer level; no 
> service definition knows anything other than what is linked in its ./needs 
> directory, and side effects are minimized by trying hard to keep separation 
> of duty.  Because the scripts are distributed and meant to be installed as a 
> whole, I can kinda get away with this because all of the dependencies are 
> hard coded out of the box and the assumption is that you won't break 
> something by tinkering with the links. But of course this runs against the 
> setup that Laurent was discussing.  It's also brittle and that means 
> something is wrong with the design.  It should be flexible.
> So for now, I will look at having a minimum implementation that starts things 
> as needed.  But only if the user sets a flag to use that feature.  This keeps 
> the scripts open for the future while giving a minimum functionality today 
> that is relatively "safe".  So you don't get dependency resolution unless you 
> specifically turn it on.  And turning it on comes with caveats. It's not a 
> perfect solution, it has potential issues, and the user abdicates/delegates 
> some of their decisions to my scripts.  A no-no, to be sure. But again, 
> that's the user's choice to flip the switch on...
> Also keep in mind that I'm bouncing ideas off of him and he is looking at it 
> from a perspective much different from mine.  I'm taking a pragmatic approach 
> that helps deal with an old situation - the frameworks would be more 
> usable/adoptable if there was a baseline set of service definitions that 
> allowed for a wholesale switch over to using them from $(whatever you're 
> using now).  So it's very pragmatic and legacy and "old school" for desktops 
> and servers, and that's something still needed because we still have those 
> being used everywhere.  It's basically a way to grandfather the frameworks in 
> using the current technology by providing all of the missing "glue" in the 
> form of service definitions.  And unfortunately dependency resolution is an 
> old issue that has to be worked out as one of my goals, which is to increase 
> ease of use so that people want to switch.  Short version: it's a stop gap 
> measure to do what I am doing. And it will mostly work but only if I am very, 
> very careful.
> Laurent is (I am guessing) looking at this from an angle that includes mobile 
> and embedded devices, slim provisioned virtual machines, and how "current" 
> system demands are driving Init/services.  This is all bleeding edge "the 
> future of tomorrow is now here today" stuff.  It's a different viewpoint and 
> has different goals.  So something will always be slightly off between what I 
> am a doing and what he is doing - he's waaaay far ahead of me, blazing a 
> trail while I'm fixing up holes in the "here and now".  But it is still 
> important for me to look into the future and realize where things are going.  
> Nothing is forever and things change.  So I need to be prepared.
> Hopefully that clears the air a bit with regard to why I am asking and 
> Laurent's answers.  And my apologies in advance to Laurent if I mis-spoke of 
> his intentions.  This is all provided to you based on my current views at 
> this point in time.

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