Some very quick things to be going on with:

If there's a SIGABRT there should be some error output saying why. If there's no error output, crank up strace and see what the last few system calls are. It's probably worthwhile doing that anyway, in fact.

Having the bundle directory a direct subdirectory of the scan directory, rather than symbolically linked-to from it, is unusual in the daemontools world. It's not something that I've personally tested. But it's not a setup that I've intentionally ruled out, either. What I have tested is the several variations of bundle directory = service/supervise directory, because those are the use cases that I expect and backwards compatibility is important here. Given that I've not observed any such behaviour as this, even in cases where I've completely messed things up in testing (such as completely orphaning the service directory of a running service, for example), I won't be surprised if that turns out to be merely a trigger for the actual cause of the problem.

Some of the actions that make service-dt-scanner die are using the 
service-{control,status,show,is-*} commands on the service, and using ls on its 
bundle directory (yeah, listing its contents).

is completely mad. Another process merely listing the contents of the directory shouldn't be an event visible to service-dt-scanner in the first place. My immediate suspicion is a (fourth) libkqueue bug. But let's see that error output first. Just in case. (-:

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