30.11.2019, 16:48, "Casper Ti. Vector" <caspervec...@gmail.com>:
> See also this design:
> <https://skarnet.org/cgi-bin/archive.cgi?1:mss:1169>.

since scheme was mentioned in that article:
an init/supervisor written entirely in (Guile) Scheme already
exists (http://www.gnu.org/software/shepherd/):

The GNU Daemon Shepherd or GNU Shepherd,
formerly known as GNU dmd, is a service manager that looks
after the herd of system services. It provides a replacement for
the service-managing capabilities of SysV-init (or any other init)
with a both powerful and beautiful dependency-based system with
a convenient interface. It is intended for use on GNU/Hurd, but it is
supposed to work on every POSIX-like system where Guile is available.
In particular, it is used as PID 1 by GNU Guix.

this is also not entirely off topic here since it is used as process #1,
daemon supervisor and "service manager".

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