Laurent Bercot <> writes:

This is clearly the most advanced conversion ever
performed, well done!

Thank you!

Would you be willing to add a small Makefile that by default invokes the mandoc commands to produce the formatted man pages, and with an
install target that installs the source to $(MANDIR), by default
/usr/share/man ? I would then be able to review them. Thanks :)

Certainly. i'll do that once i've completed a linting pass.

(AS you're aware if you've been here a while, I don't read mdoc source,
and I will. not. learn. it.)

Heh, fair enough. :-)

Would you be willing to maintain that repository
for when I make changes to the s6 documentation? Changes should be few and far between, except for fixes and new feature additions (which I don't think there will be much of). If so, I would gladly add a link to that repository in the official s6 home page, for people who, like you,
prefer man pages.

Sure, i'd be happy to reflect any changes.

I'd hold off on s6-rc for now,
because I'm in the process of exploring a possible redesign (for better integration of features that distributions want before packaging and using s6-rc), so it's not improbable that all the documentation gets
rewritten in a not-too-distant future.

Ah, okay - thanks for the heads-up.

What kind of changes to the text? if it's just the text of the link, such as changing the name of a package to the full URL of the package, then please go ahead and do what is needed. But relevant links in
SEE ALSO works too.

Now that i think about it some more, maybe i could simply put the link in parentheses? For example, with:

   a CDB file cdbfile then exits 0.

where "CDB file" is a link to the relevant Wikipedia page, the mdoc would produce output like:

a CDB file ( cdbfile then exits 0.


   lines with a TAI64N timestamp and a space.

would become:

lines with a TAI64N timestamp ( and a space.

At any rate, i think it might be a good idea for such links to be mentioned in "SEE ALSO" regardless.

If there are other typos or grammatical errors you've noticed, please send them to me (maybe privately in order not to spam the list) and I'll fix them. If the fixes need more explanation and interactive dialogue,
hop on #s6 some time during the week to discuss them. :)

*nod* i'll try to put together an email with the relevant information, and start hanging out on #s6. :-) i'm usually on Freenode, in #voidlinux in particular, but not necessarily active at the same time as others - i'm in

 Fixed in the latest git head, thanks!



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