Am 05.04.2006 um 22:51 schrieb Vivek Khera:

On Apr 5, 2006, at 4:01 PM, Randy B wrote:

OpenNTP's only redeeming factors ATM seem to be it's size and
simplicity; I'm not an NTP hero either, but in my short experiments
today, I find it only "good enough" as far as time quality. You can't

One of the most important things in forensic analysis of break-ins or other security breaches is accurate time-stamping of logs. Don't fool around with the time syncrhonization -- the size of the program matters not, the accuracy is the key.

ISC's ntp is well known and understood and considered very accurate. I see no other choice.

I thought that was one of the reasons the OpenBSD team went out and created OpenNTPd: it's one of those things where a vulnerability could lead to severe consequences, because the same code-base is now in many, many milions of devices. When the "oh-no, not another OpenSSH-vulnerabilty"-period is over, it will probably be quite good and a worthy contribution to OSS as a whole, no doubt.


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