When I had Vonage problems, I cheated.  I bought the LinkSys 2-line Router
(RT31P2) - it has Vonage service built in.  I enabled the DMZ feature on the
LinkSys and pointed it to the pfSense box.  Everything squeaky clean now!

Internet <-> Linksys <-> pfSense <-> LAN

Technically, it is double NAT'ing your LAN data, but that's AOK for me.

I don't know if the LinkSys will forward Internet initiated non - TCP/UDP
data.  But I do know it does from pfSense side.  This is only an issue if
you like to use your pfSense box for mobile IPSec (where the remote user is
mobile, but your pfSense is static -- the other way works fine).

- Jason 

-----Original Message-----
From: mOjO [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:13 AM
To: support@pfsense.com
Subject: [pfSense Support] Vonage vs. Bittorrent (QoS question)

the epic struggle continues...
i have Cable internet with a 8mb download and 768kb upload. my pfSense box
is an old AMD K6-2 350mhz box with 128MB ram.
i used the traffic shaper wizard (god bless the wizard) to configure my QoS
and it does work but i want to even further prioritize the Vonage because
when the torrents are really going i sometimes hear weird audio "artifacts"
and while I hear the other end fine (plenty of downstream
b/w) the other end complains of me breaking up and there is definitely a
noticable 1-2 sec. delay in their response. I just got off the phone and it
was usable but a bit choppy on his end and it cut me off twice.  
Right now I have 3 active torrents and 2 seeding with total download around
90KB/sec and upload around 53KB/sec, pfSense shows 1500 states, 29% memory
usage, and a steady 15-25% CPU usage.  everything appears to be registering
in the appropriate queues (I can see the VoIP queue go up when i talk and
the P2P queue is active as well).  So I want the Vonage to work flawlessly
despite the abuse i put my WAN link through.  I have opened and forwarded
UDP 5060-5061 to the vonage router which is on my regular internal lan.

The QoS settings are really greek to me and i've perused some docs which do
explain the settings to some degree but i'm still not sure what really helps
vonage work smoothly.  Can anybody reccomend any settings changes beyond
what the wizard sets for vonage?

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