Bill Marquette wrote:
On 6/5/06, Chris Buechler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Ah, ok, yeah you're right on that.  But that's useless.  Who cares what
the destination port was prior to NAT?

Or I want port 443 to redirect to my honeypot by default except for my
friends which can legitimately get there.  That can't be accomplished
by rules alone (ok, so it can with policy routing - bleh - talk about
a hack ;)), but the point remains.

I think filtering both before and after NAT is out of scope (pf is not designed to do that). What could be easily done to alleviate 'the missing' would be to add to the 'rdr' UI the possibility to specify the FROM part of the rule. If you look at your /tmp/rules.debug yuo'll see that rdr rules are specified as follows:

rdr on vlan0 proto tcp from any to x.y.w.z/32 port {80 443} -> a.b.c.d

The part 'from any to' is added by Allowing the user to specify a source would allow to translate only some of the packets, with the remainder matching some following NAT rules or being passed untranslated to the filter. I don't know whether the rdr rules syntax allows 'from' to contain an alias, or a list of values.


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