
On Tue, Mar 2, 2010 at 00:12, Chris Buechler <cbuech...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 9:45 AM, Scott Ullrich <sullr...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 1, 2010 at 2:38 AM, Aarno Aukia <aarnoau...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I just found out my new mac os x 10.6 snow leopard machine seems to
>>> have problems with DNS TTL 0, dnsmasqs default TTL for local entries
>>> (http://www.mac-forums.com/forums/os-x-operating-system/164649-snow-leopard-keeps-dropping-dns.html#post912124).
>>> Adding " --local-ttl 1" to the dnsmasq $args in /etc/inc/services.inc
>>> (around line 634 on this 1.2.3-rc3 nanobsd) seems to work out the
>>> issues, although I'll keep testing it for some more time...
>> That does not make any sense to me.  I have quite a number of Macs and
>> do not see this issue.
> It's only for local entries, and I bet you (and most others) don't
> resolve entries off the firewall's hosts file. A TTL 0 is a bit
> unusual in that scenario, it should be safe to set it to 1 for
> everything. I committed that change to 2.0.

At the end, the problem was snow leopard querying both A and AAAA
records, with the A record being answered correctly locally and the
AAAA record being forwarded externally. The external answer to the
AAAA is the public CNAME, which points to a public dyndns-name with
only A records. Thus it had 2 different A records and (after some
timeout) the second A record was preferred (although IMHO it should be
ignored since it was an answer to an AAAA query...). The solution was
to add --local= with my domain (which, incidentally, is already there
in /etc/inc/services.inc, only commented out) to dnsmasq to not
forward any (esp. AAAA) queries externally. Should that be added as a
checkbox to services_dnsmasq.php ?

Aarno Aukia
Atrila GmbH

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