I'm installing onto a seagate 320GB 2.5" hard drive, from a CD, both
connected via sata. I boot from the CD and have attempted to install
directly (press I) and continue (press C) into the liveCD boot, do a minimal
configuration (1 lan & 1 wan) and install from there (option 99). I'm using
the non-embedded version, both 1.2.3 and 2.0rc3.

I have 2 possible outcomes when I boot from disk, depending upon the options
used to install

- A menu is visible on the screen which after a few seconds attempts to
boot, this is what I finish up with on the screen
F1  pfSense
Boot:  F1
\    <----- non-moving spinner

- the other outcome is that I get an error message like this:
default 0:ad(0,a)/boot/kernel/kernel
no /boot/loader

I would change the setting in the bios for the hard drive to ATA or legacy
mode if it has such a setting.  


It appears as though it doesn't like the hard drive for some reason.  


I have had that problem with some compact flash modules and 1 SATA drive
that I fixed by setting my BIOS to what it called legacy mode. (Basically it
presented the SATA drive as IDE I think.)

Nick Upson (01799 533252)

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