Dear AALOA supporters,


I'm writing to ask if you wish to be connected to the thematic network


this is a brief description of ENGAGED taken from its abstract:

"ENGAGED is FP7 Thematic Network that aims at building a learning community
of stakeholders, from different

backgrounds and from across different European countries, to nurture the
emergence of innovative and

sustainable active and healthy ageing services that make best use of
technology. Any stakeholder of the whole

value chain can participate. It is a network of networks. Its focus on
active and vigorous community building and

clustering, evidence sharing and road mapping for targeted deployment is
fully in line with the specific objectives

of the 2012 ICT PSP work programme."


If you are interested I need a few information from you, that you can
provide by filling a line in the attached excel file. We basically need the
name of your organization, the name of a contact person, some information
about your activities and projects, and, possibly, connections with ENAGED


Please feel free to contact me if you need more information.

Best regards,

            Stefano Chessa




Stefano Chessa

Dipartimento di Informatica - Universita' di Pisa 

Largo B. Pontecorvo 3, 56127 Pisa, Italy 


Phone: ++39 050 2213122

Phone (ISTI) : ++39 050 3152887

Fax: ++39 050 2212726




Attachment: stakeholders_identification_final.xlsx
Description: application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet

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