Heya Max,

I don't represent TAI, I'm just a supporter like you :)  However I wanted
to suggest that far more valuable in welcoming a gender-diverse membership
than a name change would be having a Code of Conduct clearly stated on your
website and in meat-space, also having a defined process for how you will
deal with people who over step its boundaries.

I think the term 'hackerspace' is pretty well ingrained in the geek-sphere
and that is what your group will be called even if you label it something
else; women and girls are 'hackers' too!

Best wishes,


On Tue, Jul 17, 2012 at 3:19 PM, Max Klein <isa...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hello All,
> My name is Max Klein and I recently listened to Mary Gardiner speak at
> Wikimania which was a profound and transformative moment for me. I am a
> man, Mary elucidated for me that a lot of current verbiage can be
> alienating women. In fact I noticed (and tweeted) that in Jimmy Wales
> speech, directly after Mary's Keynote, when he announced that he was giving
> $5,000 as a prize to Wikipedia User:Demmy, which he'd never met before, he
> assumed that this user was male. "I haven't met Demmy, but I'm sure he's a
> great guy" said Wales which was the precise second that I understood how
> large of problem this gender gap really is.
> Here is my latest predicament. I belong to a 'hackerspace' called Sudo
> Room in Oakland California, that was in part founded to be an alternative
> to the more "Boys Club" existing 'hackerspace'. For instance we are doing
> things to be less 'Star Trek' and 'Mountain Dew', like opening our
> 'hackerspace' on a citywide Art-Gallery night and making and displaying LED
> art.  Today I brought up the issue that I think the term 'hacker' is loaded
> with a gender-connotations, and we should move to a more neutral lexicon.
> There was some pushback, but in the end the group asked me to present
> choices to which we could move. They liked neither "makerspace" or
> "creativespace." Thinking about that now, I agree, we should coin a new
> moniker to that hasn't got past baggage.
> So if it's not a hacker- maker- or creative-space, what is the best
> language that Ada can suggest for us to use?
> Best,
> Max Klein
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