I have just installed PostgreSQL from the distribution CDs.  However I don't
find the commands below.
Do I need to run them from a particular directory?

>  From: Jerry Lynn Kreps <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, on 4/14/99 6:04 PM:

>  If you are running SuSE then all you need is on the distro CDs.  More
>  than likely PostgreSQL is already installed (by default, unless you
>  uninstalled it), so all you need to do is look for pg_iface and pgaccess
>  and the other pg* database stuff.  Install them, then create a desktop
>  icon for them.  PostgreSQL also includes a console program to manipulate
>  the db engine called 'psql'.  The package called 'pgaccess' is written
>  in tcl and is very similar to, but not as extensive as MS Access.  The
>  queries tab display a designer window almost indentical to Access, whith
>  the tables shown graphically and lines connecting the indexed fields. 
>  *VERY* nice.  It connects via socket# 5432 and uses TCP/IP if you use
>  the -i switch.  It is much more powerful than the other Xwindow
>  interfact program to PostgreSQL called mpsql.  But, play with them
>  both.  I know you will like pgaccess.
>  The tcl language, using the 'wish' shell, is very powerful and easy to
>  use.  There are books available from amazon.com or O'Rielly that teach
>  how to use it.
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