On Thu, 15 Apr 1999, you wrote:
>I am running SuSE 6.0, 2.0.34, kernel, and have set up my printer under YAST
>(Epson Stylus 640) to use the stylus colour settings.
>Nothing will print at all.
>But I can cat test.txt > /dev/lp1, and the text file is printed.

I had the same problem after upgrading to 6.0/2.0.34. (I have a
HP printer. )  The printer deamon converted files into postscript
(/tmp/aps_out* files), but did not forward them to ghostscript (or
from ghostscript to the printer).

I have later installed kernel 2.2.3, but no change.
Today I deinstalled a2ps aps and all ghostscript files and
reinstalled a2ps, aps, ghostscript and enscript. This did the trick,
I can print, now using kernel 2.2.3 and /dev/lp0. 

O A Olsen
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