R. Johnels wrote:

> I have internet at home, and it is the same ISP box i am reading..
> But as i get around 2-300 mails per day I can't "leave it off" for more
> than a few hors...
> If i forget to download i have some 3-500 mails in a few days...
> So I read at work AND i read at home...

Aaah, that clearifies a lot ;-)

> The problem is that i mess up the threads and such.
> I have some of the postings in a thread here and some there.
> It is irritating.
> So i want to "get them together..."

Hmmm, one option might be to set the Netscape option 'leave messages on
server' to yes on one computer (at home or at work, whichever has the
fastest connection I think) and to disable it at the other. In that way
you get all the stuff on one computer.

Another option might be to use mailfilters to organize all the incoming
mails into different mailboxes. I think that you could use procmail or
something like that to filter the messages and maybe even create
different users on your Linux box so that specific mail gets distributed
to different users (I just thought of that right now, but haven't tried
it ever). 

I think that with 300 mails a day I would get some information overload


   Marcel Donker                            ASM Lithography
   Software Development ATLAS               Run 6665
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   Phone: +31-(0)40-2305321                 The Netherlands
   "Portability is for people who cannot write new programs"
                                             - Linus Torvalds
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