Joop Boonen wrote:
> Dear all,
> This link has been published. it's a Java applet that crashes windows
> 95/98. Please don't use it in a evil way but to show the stability of
> Linux and other Unix types. By the way windows NT doesn't crash either.
> :-/
> This is the link:
> Regards,

I tried it - SuSE Linux 5.3 (updates applied) and Netscape
Navigator 4.08.  It spiralled a slow and painful death.  I
used the Java Console to reclaim memory, but it was gobbling
it up faster than it could be reclaimed.  I then tried Alt+Q, 
which quit the graphics, but there was still a process alive
and consuming 97% of the CPU's processing time.

I would have to say Java on Linux is just as stable as on
Windows 95/98.

George Toft
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     Don't fear the penguins...
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