Coollist is a web-based system for anyone to easily create FREE mailing 
lists. Mailing lists will enhance the power of your email allowing your 
user group or community to communicate and share ideas quickly via email. 
The Coollist system is easy to use and is accessible from anywhere in the 
world! Even when you are not on your own PC. Coollist is perfect for :

- Sharing files, photos, documents & MP3s
- Keeping in touch with your family
- Keeping in touch with old friends
- Keeping your clients up to date with new products
- Keeping your employees up to date
- Discussion groups
- Webmasters keeping their visitors informed
- No More long "cc:" strings

Coollist does not discriminate! No matter where you are in the world, or 
whether you are an individual or a big corporation, you are free to use our 

Coollist is FREE for life

Click Here for our press releases

Coollist guarantees that we will not sell OR give out the E-Mail addresses 
of ANY of your members. We DO NOT tolerate E-Mail spamming (unsolicited 
Commercial Email) and junk mail and will ensure that all of our user's 
E-Mail addresses are protected. Any Coollist users caught using Coollist 
for spamming purposes will find his/her account terminated immediately. We 
will do our best to keep Coollist spam-free.

If you would like to unsubscribe from a list but dont know how to, please 
Click Here.


Coollist realises that many individuals cannot afford the costs of setting 
up mailing lists with the various companies that are currently charging 
ridiculous amounts for a mailing list service. Hence we decided to create 
Coollist! Although it is free, we do not compromise on quality! Our servers 
are connected to the Internet by one of America's premier backbone 
providers! Along with speed, our list administrators enjoy the 
user-friendly web interface!

Need to contact us about a particular question? Just email us at the 
following addresses, we will get back to you promptly:

Spam Complaints: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
General Comments, Suggestions: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Advertising Queries: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

At 05:22 AM 01/27/2001 +0900, you wrote:
>"Several of this cursed brood, getting hold of the branches behind,
>leaped up into the tree, whence they began to discharge their
>excrements on my head...
>"For as to those filthy YAHOOS ... I confess I never saw any
>sensitive being so detestable on all accounts; and the more I came
>near them the more hateful they grew."
>- Gulliver's Travels, Part IV:  A Voyage to the Country of the
>Houyhnhnm, Jonathan Swift.
>Well, dear friends, are we all as delighted, thrilled and excited as
>apparently we're supposed to be by the sudden changes that have
>befallen our mailing list like excrements from a tree?
>I know some aren't because they've complained to me off-list. I had
>an annoying time trying to get to the MyGroups page via the obstacle
>course set up by Yahoo to help and assist us. It told me to get a new
>password and ID from Yahoo, and give them a whole bunch of
>demographic information while I was at it, then it said someone else
>had that ID, which, believe me, is nonsense. I tried other IDs. I got
>really creative about it. I submitted curses, obscenities and
>grievous insults in several languages, but all were "taken". Uh-huh.
>Well, if it was true, there'd seem to be a lot of folks in there who
>hold a similar opinion of Yahoo to that of Gulliver. I gave up.
>Ten minutes later I received a cheery email with an ID and password I
>hadn't chosen, which after three tries finally admitted me to a
>MyGroups page, and thence to the Biofuels page.
>I don't like it. It stinks. Super-safe prediction: it'll get worse.
>It's already been getting worse. When Yahoo bought out eGroups was
>when we started having problems with duplicated messages and with
>messages not making it into the daily digests or onto the web board
>(and thus not into the archives!!). I went to eGroups feedback page
>and complained about duplicated messages. I got this reply:
>Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2001 21:25:09 +0000
>To: Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: A message from Yahoo! eGroups
>From: eGroups Feedback <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: eGroups Feedback <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Yahoo! eGroups sincerely appreciates your comments and suggestions.
>While we cannot respond to them individually due to the large volume of
>feedback we receive, please know that your feedback is forwarded to our
>development team for review. Your opinions and insights are essential to
>us as we continue to improve the Yahoo! eGroups service.
>If you have questions with using Yahoo! eGroups, please contact us by
>using the online help form at:
>and we'll be happy to assist you.
>Thanks for using Yahoo! eGroups.
>The Yahoo! eGroups Team
>The "online help form" was the one I'd used in the first place, of
>course. I didn't bother to try the email address.
>Then we caught a virus, so I switched off the attachments, which made
>the duplicates and non-arrivals worse, and then someone sent an
>attachment anyway, which didn't get stopped.
>I was thinking of polling the membership to gather some opinions,
>only I doubted the polling feature would work properly and it'd just
>annoy everyone.
>Meanwhile people have said they'd transferred from daily digests to
>individual emails because of probs they were having.
>What to do? Should we put up with this BS? I reckon we'll start
>losing members soon if we stick around here. But where to go?
>Topica's not much better - and they claim copyright ownership of all
>postings! To do with as they please. No thanks.
>There are now 439 of us, 160 on no email/web only, 166 on individual
>emails, 113 on daily digests. So wherever we go, we need all three of
>those features, which lets out web boards, except for very expensive
>ones that also have mailing list features. We also need a searchable
>archives, and it'd be great if I could transfer the existing archives
>to the new one. (I have it on my hard disk.) We don't really need the
>Files and Links sections, that's all on the Journey to Forever
>website anway, easy to post links to it at the list homepage.
>Any suggestions? Can we have some discussion? We're checking out a
>few possibilities, but any ideas would be very welcome.
>Keith Addison
>Journey to Forever
>Handmade Projects
>Biofuel list owner
>Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
>To unsubscribe, send an email to:

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
To unsubscribe, send an email to: 

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