Hi David and All,
--- David Teal <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dragonfly,
> Keith's comprehensive reply omitted the following
> authoritative British
> research report. It supports the claims of  positive
> net energy balances
> obtained from farmed ethanol and biodiesel.  It
> takes full account of
> farming inputs such as fertiliser, cultivation,
> packaging etc. and presents
> all figures net of the taxes/subsidies which are
> prone to cloud this issue
> in some sections of the media.
> http://www.biodiesel.co.uk/levington_tables.htm
> David Teal
    If you want to get the most from almost anything
you have to work things as systems. 
     Done right ethanol is just 1 product of the
     A good way would be if I was a farmer is to grow
with self produced fertilizers, crop rotation, raised
bed and enhancing the natural insectivores and
pesticides. By not using synthetic pesticides the the
insects are eaten by their natural enemies. This cuts
cost and lowers energy use by 50% or more.
     So now the crop cost less and has a lower energy,
cost hurdle to get over. Then you take the grain ,
fruit, ect and brew it. Using good practices just
making and distilling alcohol would use 15- 20 % of
the alcohol's energy if it came from there. 
     But in a system it doesn't. Alcohol only needs
low grade heat, under 200 F , that can come from many
      Now the leftover mash is even a better human or
animal food because the yeast grown in the beer has a
much higher food value than straight grain, ect. So
now you have alcohol with the feedstock basicly for
     But it doesn't stop there. The stalks leftover
have more energy than the grain,ect. These can be
turned into methanol or natural gas for use or sale or
turned into electricity for use and sale. The ash
makes a good fertilizer back for the next crop. 
     A farm run like this will make 3-5 times the
profit with little outside input. I believe it's the
future of farming.
     Or brew wastes, either way alcohol is viable as
an eff source of energy.
     The petro industry has many PR co's and research
flacks putting out disinformation. Reasonable priced
petro fuels will be gone soon so line up another
source of energy now to soften the blows, learn to use
less energy or start making enough to sell for the big

                  jerry dycus

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