Hi Jim and All,
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>     An explanation:
>                                 My post was a
> response (included below) to 
> someone who, in my opinion, was using the US
> gov'ment and the DEA in specific 
> as scapegoats in his discussion of hemp's reluctance
> in becoming a new 
> biofuel. I was aided in this conclusion by the
> post's lack of concrete 
> detail, sources, or even a cursory objective view.
> Hell, my response may have 
> been unfounded or spurious (or not), but I was just
> trying  to get a response 
> as to why the information seemed a bit opinionated.
    It's hard to even start using something as biofuel
when it's illegal, I'd think that would be an obvious
point why. Over 10 states have made hemp growing for
fuel, medicine and fiber legal despite the DEA. 
    I was talking about the potential of hemp.
Regretfully way too little of any kind of biofuels are
used now. This is because of massive subidies to the
oil co both in favorable tax breaks, I.E. corporate
welfare and massive military spending to protect the
mideast oil supply.
       It's been estimated in the Wall Street Journal
that the real cost of oil is $100 a barrel. If the
real cost was passed thru we could have a big tax
break and many RE become feasible at $50 a barrel.
    Hemp is the best biomass per acre producing crop
when pesticides, labor are taken into account. We
could cut the coal pollution that I now suffer from
the local power plants that are the dirtiest in the
    As for medicine and recreational use the DEA has
been lying about hemp forever. It's nowhere near as
dangerous as alcohol, has little side effects as a
medicine and they know it. They rather destroy lives
than admit they are wrong despite overwhelming
evidence that hemp is not dangerous because they would
lose some of their jobs.
    It's time for the DEA to tell the truth about hemp
instead of jailing and ruining the lives of many good
people like they do. It's not the hemp that's bad,
it's the hemp laws that destroy lives. It's amazing
that the DEA can live with themselves.
   Were George Washington and Thomas Jefferson wrong? 
The revolutionary war was won with hemp rope, clothes,
sails, tents, paper, ect and the Declaration of
Independence was written on hemp paper.
    Get your head out of the sand and see reality
instead of lying gov propoganda by bureaucrats
defending their turf.
               jerry dycus

> -JIM
> <<Subj:     Re: [biofuel]   
> Date:   4/29/2001 10:35:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time 
> From:    [EMAIL PROTECTED] (jerry dycus)
> Reply-to:    biofuel@yahoogroups.com
> To:    biofuel@yahoogroups.com
>     Hi Ian and All,
> --- ian <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes there are THC free strains, (but the others
> are
> > best ;) )
> > ian
>      I'll smoke to that;-)).
>     But beyound that hemp grows so fast it crowds
> out
> any weeds quickly and it's a very light feeder,
> using
> little or no pesticide or fertilizer. 
>     The pounds of biomass /acre is hugh. Larger than
> anything else. 
>     Almost no labor either other than planting and
> harvesting. 90 gals of biodiesel and 800/1000 gals
> of
> methanol per crop and in Fla 4 to 5 crops a year.
> Hemp
> is hard to beat. 
>      It's a great fabric and rope that will not rot.
>     As to why it's illegal in 1934 a machine was
> designed to seperate the fibers economicly but had
> the
> misfourtune to be at the same time as Dupont came
> out
> with rayon, nylon . Popular Machanics declared hemp
> the next billion dollar crop.
>     He was worried the hemp would steal his markets
> that he gave J Randolf Hearst a bunch of Dupont
> stock
> so Hearst would put out a bunch of stories in his
> newspapers that hemp was a bad drug that only,
> racial
> slurs for blacks and Mexicans, do it and become
> crazy,
> ect.   
>    Then in 1937 their cronies in congress passed the
> law making it not a threat to Dupont anymore.
>     So here we are and one of the best , least side
> effect medicines and the answer to our energy,
> farmer
> problems and we can't use it. It shows that
> politicians care more about posturing than helping
> our
> country.
>    George Washington and Thomas Jefferson raised and
> praised it , if it's good enough for them it's good
> enough for me.
>     I'd like to sue the DEA for fraud, the lying
> scum.
>                    jerry dycus

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