Hi Lee and All,
        Some fool at I think the U of Fla reengineered
a microbe that can live and survive almost anywhere to
turn biomass into alcohol.
      Luckily someone mentioned that if it got loose
it would eat all the biomass in the world so they
stopped it.
   Genetic engineering needs to be done only on
organisiums that will  multiply only in controlled
    So lets be careful out there.
                    jerry dycus
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Does anyone know if anyone is working on the genetic
> engineering of crops to 
> make them more amenable to processing for biofuel
> production?
>  and is there any information about natural and or
> genetically modified 
> organisms with for example increased ethanol
> tolerance, ability to utilise waste 
> as a substrate to produce  biocombustibles.
> I am currently trying to get information together
> for students studying a 
> biotechnology course specialising in environmental
> biotech.
> Any information would be gratefully recieved.
> Lee
> Lee Robertson

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