Hi David and All,
--- "Crabb, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>    From: jerry dycus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Water vs Energy Importance
>       Hi All,
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>       > > To whomever this may concern
>       > > why do I get the feeling that this forum is an
>       > exchange of ideas for a bunch
>       > > of socialists, and communists?
>            Because you don't know much and need to open
> your
>       mind. 
>             We are not going to keep being screwed by big
>       oil or coal, we know there are better ways like
>       biomass, solar, Nuke done right, wind and non dam
>       tidal/ river power. 

> Why do people keep thinking that biomass producers
> will 
> screw the customer over any less than oil companies?
> Companies exist to make a profit.
        Because I'll be my own biofuel producer as
will many others. I encourage everyone to be able to
make their own energy and fuel so when the co get
greedy, we just make our own. Also with many providers
competition will work. 
>            The truth is almost every home has plenty of
>       energy delivered right to it by solar/ wind to
> supply
>       it's , it's peoples and their transport needs. We
>       should put our money there to make jobs here, true
>       national energy security rather than dependence on
>       opec/ oilies and a bad depression in 5 to 10 years
>       like Bush is leading us to now.
> We arent any more dependent on Oil becasue of
> anything Bush did
> versus anything that Clinton did.  If you want to
> blame.. then start there.
> For 8 years,. there could have been super tax
> credits for 
> putting solar panels.. installing permanent
> Flourescents..etc.
    I think the repubican congress had a lot to do
with not passing anything along to be signed, or did
you convenently forget that. Think and thank Newt and
their endless crursade to destroy Clinton instead of
doing the peoples business.
> I think it is both parties fault for where we are
> now. 
> While it would be nice to just say.. Eff
> California.. eff everyone
> who didnt think ahead, and now they are in a
> crisis.. ha
> The president really cant do that.  However, he can
> try to
> come up with a short term solution of expanding
> capacity.
     Conservation is the best and sometimes only thing
that will help in the short run. In the early 80's we
cut our energy use in 1/2 that way.
     We don't need anymore capacity in fossil fuels
and we need to make anymore energy we need from
renewables along with conservation. Do you really want
more coal plants?
     Bush knows that if we start to conserve that his
oilie, coalie friends will not make large profits on
the backs of those who can least afford it. Now that's
a compassionant conservative for you.
> I think it would be nice if there was some more fed
> money into biofuels..
> The Law of supply and demand is nice.. unless you
> need something and there
> is only one supplier..
    I agree, but I'd rather see the true price of oil
and coal in pollution, corporate welfare, and military
added to them, it's said to be $100 a barrel in the
Wall Street Journal, and you wouldn't need RE
    It's hard to compete with large companies anyways
but when they get welfare too it's twice as hard.
>        No one believes in communism anymore, not even
>       communist.
> except for my damn homeowners association.. they
> wont be happy until they
> get all my money.
     Now you know how Californian's feel ;^) ,
                  jerry dycus

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