Date: Mon, 21 May 2001 16:51:17 -0000
         From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
        Subject: Re: Fwd: Saving Gasoline and Money

        Added to the water supply to dairy cattle, that and O2 added to the 
        water increases milk production 5-10%. 

How much did the milk production go up by just adding o2 to the water?

If you dont do them separately then you can't draw conclusions.
otherwise you could just add 02 to the water..and say that
Milking in May increases milk production.    <assuming that the 02 actually
does increase it>

or.. assuming you had a female trainee do the milking..    come to the
conclusion that 
the cow is a lesbian becasue she puts out more milk when women pull on their

etc etc etc

I will acnowledge that I am predisposed to think the magnets are bunk...
especially when
i hear programs on the radio saying that
48  people noticed superior sleep with our mattress magnets.. while only 2
<who had placebo matresses>  noticed a minor increase is sleep.

what is make it sound like is that the Mattress works.. but since you are
not comparing the people
who noticed superior sleep <and had magnetic matress> with number of people
who reported superior sleep <with placebo matresses>... the statement is

Biofuel at Journey to Forever:
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