Hi Pedro asnd All,
--- "Pedro M." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does anyone know if there is any anti-nuclear or
> anti-petrol day ??. I think
> this is very necessary, because of the Bush
> Politics.
      I think you'll find that many eco's on this list
like inheritly safe nukes. I'd love to get a couple of
the fuel balls from a gas reactor. All the energy I'd
need for 20 plus years with almost no pollution. 
      While I'd go for an anti-fossil fuel day most of
us on this list want to make fuels like petro from
biomass without the problems with fossil petroleum. 
> Now, we can see the anti-globalization movement. Are
      I'm more of an anti  greedy, non-caring
corporation person. As a general thing gobalization
will help people overcome poverty, have a freer,
better life if we can keep control of the
corporations, corrupt goverments.
> they going to protest
> agains the http://www.iaea.int/  International
> Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
      Better to steer them to better nukes to burn up
the nasty stuff. 
> ; when you cannot see a similar UN agency for
> renowable energy.
      I'd really love to see it. But since they are
not, we will. People all over the world read this list
and are starting biofuel plants bypassing the big
> All the best.
           Same to you,
                     jerry dycus

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