>From: "Mark Fire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Date: Mon, 25 Feb 2002 23:37:27 -0800
>Subject: [Biodiesel] Free BiodieseWorkshops in Berkeley, 
>California/Bay Area Biodiesel
>Hi, this is Girl Mark from DIY Skillshare (and, currently, Tucson Biodiesel
>Collective). I'm doing another free workshop, in Berkeley this time,
>see details below.
>Other experienced people are invited to come along and heckle me!
>that announcement also mentions the DIY SKillshare Conference. The conference
>is in it's third year and features hands-on free workshops on various
>cutting-edge practical skills topics. This year, we're working on a four-day
>(and maybe more) free workshop series on biodiesel to have during the
>conference. It'll be held sometime in late June or early to mid July.
> I'd like to find a local SVO user to present a two-hour intro on straight
>vegetable oil conversions during the conference. We can't pay you (we
>organized the entire 60-workshop/4 day extravaganza on an $700-or-less
>budget last year!), but it might be a way to meet lots of local would-be
>biofuel users. I would personally prefer to find someone who is not in
>the business of doing SVO conversions, as I'd ideally like to see someone
>present unbiased info on different conversion kits, and I'm worried about
>it looking like a potential sales pitch. I'm sure there are people doing
>conversions who still fit this category and are unbiased, and I do realize
>that they'd have a lot of experience to draw on... oh well, it's only
>a two hour workshop.
>If anyone can pass this on to anyone that might be willing to show off
>their svo vehicle, let me know.
>Any of you interested in information about the SKillshare Conference,
>that is, want to get a couple of announcements about final dates, workshop
>listings, etc, you can subscribe to our very low-volume email list:
>Also for those who haven't heard yet, there is a new Bay Area email listserve
>for biodieselers:
>goblin.punk.net/mailman/listinfo/burnveggies   to subscribe
>Please copy and distribute this announcement wherever appropriate, it's
>also in a bare-bones 'flyer' format in the attachment:
>Tired of Helping Big Oil pollute?
>Come to a Free Workshop on
>Making and Using BIODIESEL FUEL
>Saturday, March 2nd
>12 noon
>1811 Rose St (off Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd) , Berkeley
>We are hosting a free, informal workshop on making biodiesel, a renewable
>alternative fuel that can be made out of waste fast food restaurant vegetable
>oil. We will make a batch of biodiesel, a fuel that can be used in any
>unmodified diesel engine, and we will also discuss other vegetable oil
>fuels options that do require engine modifications.
>Biodiesel, or methyl esters, is a well-studied and established technology
>with worldwide acceptance. Cars using biodiesel fuels produce greatly
>reduced emissions compared to petroleum fuels, biodiesel is nontoxic
>and biodegradable in the event of a spill, and it can be produced on
>a community scale and through domestic agriculture. Currently, it can
>be purchased from several manufacturers (in some places, even at the
>pump) or it can be made at home using a ‘cookbook’ approach even by people
>with little technical or chemistry background. Biodiesel can be used
>in diesel engines without any modifications.
>There will be a 30-page handout available ($3 donation requested
>for copy costs).
>This workshop is a project of the DIY Skillshare Conference, which
>will be hosting an in-depth biodiesel workshop series this summer. Contact
>us for info on the Skillshare conference.
>voicemail: 510-496-2740 ext. 3957
>po box 4934
>Berkeley Ca 94704

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