"Well said Keith, this guys numbers are totally out of
whack. They are so far from correct, that I suspect that
Christoper is a paid propaganda writer. His words sound
very much like someone who is involved in the black ops
profession. It seems like every list that is set up to do
some public good is infected with these folks who just keep
causing friction. I sure wish these know-it-all creeps who
offer nothing but opinion yet demand proof, would get their
own damn list."

Yeah, right. If you can't refute the message, attack the messenger.
Better still - accuse him of working for the CIA! Works every time.

Marc de Piolenc
Iligan, Philippines
Remember September 11, 2001 but don't forget July 4, 1776

They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety. - Benjamin Franklin

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