Anything going on in East or Mid east.  Im in northern OH.

Anyone in my area doing any biofuel related things?

--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], mark fire <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'll be teaching several classes about making biodiesel fuel in the 
Western US in the next few weeks. All of these will include a $4 (for 
copy costs!) 35-page handout about making biodiesel, which is 
primarily based on info from the JourneytoForever website.
> 1. First, I'll be doing something informal in Missoula Montana on 
Thursday afternoon, July 18. Contact me by email (below) and leave 
your phone number for me to get you the exact location of workshop.
> 2. I'll be unofficially (ie, I'm not teaching an official workshop 
or anything, though I'll have my gear and will be glad to show it off 
to people) at SolWest in John Day Oregon, for the Oregon Biodiesel 
Meeting on July 27. SolWest is a renewable energy fair happening July 
26-28 and a LOT of biodieselers are supposed to be there. It's the 
first biodiesel get-together in the western US I think- sounds like a 
good event. I imagine a lot of us are going to be there with our 
equipment and it'll be a good place to see different people's 
processors and methods. I think SolWest has a website but I don't 
know it- do a search or something.
> 3. I'll be at the Vashon Island Earth Fair in Washington State on 
August 2-4 doing a biodiesel workshop with Mike Pelly. We have very 
different processors and it should be good to show off the two 
opposite ranges of possibilities (his is very fancy, mine is the 
Cheapo Weldless low-tech version) . For more info about the Fair, see . I don't know the exact times and days of 
the workshop yet.
> 4. I will be teaching a biodiesel class and Capra J'Neva is 
teaching an straight vegetable oil fuels class (she's a great teacher 
and is very honest about the ups and downs of SVO fuels- gives a good 
balanced perspective!) at the All things Organic Festival at the 
Mendocino County Fairgrounds in Boonville CA  on August 10. I don't 
know the exact times of workshops yet either.
> 5. I will be teaching a four-saturday intensive biodiesel class 
very soon through the Ecology Center in Berkeley- either in later 
August/September, or in October- I'll post more info very soon.
> 6. I am also teaching biodiesel at (and organizing) the DIY 
Skillshare Conference September 26-29 in Berkeley CA. Capra J'Neva is 
covering SVO fuels for this four-day workshop.  The conference is at 
the Crucible metalwork school on Murray St (just off of San Pablo and 
Ashby) . We will also have workshops on solar electric, possibly 
methane digesters, solar cooking, possibly alcohol fuels, and 60-80 
more free classes. For more info:
> a. we don't have a website cuz we're actually Luddites at heart 
> b. But we do believe in email lists. Go figure. To subscribe to our 
announcement-only list, send a blank email to diyskillshare-
[EMAIL PROTECTED] then you can look at the archives on the yahoogroups 
website and see listings of what last year's classes looked like (we 
don't have a complete listing for this year yet). 
> We are also looking for people to come teach energy and 
sustainability related workshops or presentations.
> To contact Skillshare people directly, email [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> 7. And we are still working on organizing a Biodiesel Homebrewers' 
Conference to be held in May of 2003 in the SF Bay Area...  It'll be 
three or four days like the Skillshare and it will be either free or 
under $20/day, depending on our venue. Email me for more info, or to 
come teach or present something. Vendors of biodiesel gear welcome. I 
think (I hope I'm right) we'll probably get a webpage on 
JourneytoForever soon, once we have more information to post. I am 
very much looking for local biodieselers to work on this with, and 
looking for suggestions from computer geeks on how to make this 
conference somehow inclusive of the 'virtual' biodiesel community.
> For more information, email me at 
> or write me at 
> Skillshare
>  po box 4034
>  Bekeley CA 94704 USA
> Respect,
> girl Mark
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