GP Jessup III wrote:

>--- In [EMAIL PROTECTED], Keith Addison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Open Season on Open Space
> > The Bush administration has made energy development on public lands
> > its priority number one. The wild West will never be the same.
> > by Bob Burtman July/August 2002
>Problem with articles such as this is the comments are one sided and
>often the information provided is highly twisted. A large name
>environmental groups were recently caught forging Government names
>and letters to show suposed support for their causes.  Photo'
>doctored etc. have been distributed as well.  Miss interpreded and
>purposfully misstated data is not uncommon either.  So read things
>knowing the odds are good things are a bit twisted.

The odds are not good. It happens, I've said so here before and 
thrown a lot of criticism at the big enviro groups, but it is not the 
rule, far from it, it's the exception. My contention is that it 
shouldn't happen at all, barring the rare mistake. But sometimes it's 
not a mistake, it's intentional. Not acceptable. But don't exaggerate 
it. It's not common.

As for one-sided comments and twisted information, you're doing the 
same thing, your comment is one-sided - by ommission you're stating 
that all the spin happens on the side of the environmentalists. You 
believe everything the oil companies and big energy interests tell 

>Such as in this
>article where it states.. "[drilling a well] right next to the
>visitors center".   Come on.. lets get real..  companies are more
>logical than that.  Either the company is willing to relocate the
>visitor center or this is a gross misstatement of close being 10
>miles away.

This isn't a large-name environmental group that's talking in this 
one single specific you cite, it's a park ranger. He says there are 
plans to drill right next to the visitors' centre. Why would he be 
lying or twisting things? Whether the company will relocate the 
centre or not, the oil company's planning to drill right next to it. 
What's not real about that?

So you base your whole dismissal of this article on this one very 
flimsy example? Unless you can do better than that I'll have to say 
that your comments are one-sided and twisted.

The report has a couple of short quotes from the Wilderness Society, 
one from a minor group, one from a lone environmentalist, local 
people, rangers, ranchers, and quite a lot from officials and 
industry people - more than from environmentalists in fact.

Your criticisms don't stand up. I think your prejudices are showing. 
Bob Burtman is an award-winning investigative journalist, he's done 
his homework and his legwork, he's not just a shill for the big 
enviro groups, and you do him an injustice.

>I am an avide offroader and we have seen PUBLIC land closed to the
>PUBLIC way to much.  Yes... their are peope who abuse the land but
>lets punish that small percentage not the larger percentage of those
>who do not.
>In these days and times the green network (environmental
>organizations) has the pull to keep things as big as industries and
>as small as a jeep from going overboard and destroying the public
>land.  This green network should not WIN all their battles casue they
>go over board too... but niether should those that want to use more
>public lands like industries and the offroaders.  This way we end up
>with a check and balance system.

This is a different matter and has little to do with this article. 
You really think the green network wins all its battles? They're a 
pathetic joke, they win just about nothing. In Washington they're 
regarded as a joke. Looking at the amount of money they raise from 
the general public, their cost-effectiveness is appalling. Small, 
local, grass-roots groups are much more effective, but get only a 
very small slice of the pie, the big guys take the lion's share.


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