Another post from Misha to the Sustainable Agriculture Network 
Discussion Group (SANET). Has anyone read the fossil-fuels section in 
"Stormy Weather"?

>Howdy, all--
>Those of you who prefer science to wishful thinking and corporate 
>propaganda on the matter of human-induced climate change will 
>appreciate these resources.
>First, and best:
>/Climate Change and the Global Harvest: Potential Impacts of the 
>Greenhouse Effect on Agriculture/. Cynthia Rosenzweig, Daniel 
>Hillel. Oxford U. P., 1998.
>ISBN 0-19-508889-1.
>Cynthia is with the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies at 
>Columbia U. She is an ag scientist (all three degrees).
>See these research links for more on GISS's work on climate change, 
>climate forcings, paleoclimate, and more: 
>Second, I have found this collection very useful:
>/Global Climate Change and Agricultural Production/. Fakhri Bazzaz, 
>Wim Sombroek. Rome, FAO, 1996. Cloth ISBN 0-471-95763-1. Paper ISBN 
>See particularly information on changing hydrological cycles, 
>regional vulnerability, and the combined effects of changing CO2, 
>temperature, UV-B radiation, and ozone on crop growth.
>Third, A nice popular guide--praised by Jim Hansen of NASA/Giss, 
>David Suzuki, and Rev. Sally Bingham (Episcopal Power and Light)--is:
>/Stormy Weather: 101 Solutions to Global Climate Change/. Guy 
>Dauncey, Patrick Mazza. 2001. ISBN 0-86571-421-5
>My favorite sections are "Moving toward a world without fossil 
>fuels," and the solutions that highlight the fossil-fuel- and 
>transport-intensive industrial/global food system.
>Fourth, here in the Pacific Northwest, we have
>Climate Solutions
>Climate Solutions publications on-line
>CS's Energy Outreach Center is right here in lovely downtown 
>Olympia. "The purpose of the Center is to acquaint you with some of 
>the major considerations when building, buying, or remodeling a home 
>while having minimum impact on the environment. The energy-saving 
>materials and ideas not only save energy, therefore saving money, 
>they also help to save the planet from pollution, wasteful use of 
>non-renewable resources, and ultimately, dangerous climate changes."
>WARNING! Using these resources will remove the potential for smug 
>ignorance or comforting ourselves with fairy tales. Like how it 
>doesn't make any difference to the atmosphere's chemistry, when 
>humans take huge reserves of carbon, locked deep within the earth 
>since long before we ever evolved, and transfer them into the 
>atmosphere in a tick of geological time.
>These resources also convert whistling in the dark into singing in a 
>new key, so only those with a truly musical soul should use them.
>Michele Gale-Sinex
>Home office:   360-459-5683
>Home office fax:       Same as above, phone first for enabling
>The Earth is not dying, it is being killed, and those who are 
>killing it have names and addresses. -Utah Philips

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