Probably a couple of factors,i.m.o.

80 is probably the cruise.
It doesnt include the 20+ miles that the vehicle could drive before
even using a drop of diesel.  Drive 30 miles and you are getting 800 mpg.
<of diesel 'used' of course> 

80mpg is in basically, a convertible.  It would have less drag were it a
covered car.
<slightly more weight, but it depends on whether the 80 is a 100kph or

This is not by an auto company.  This probably is the reason for the above
not being a car.
That car was something they could achieve as an inexpensive, lightweight mid
engine car.
Fewer bux =  more shortcuts.

Personally, I don't thing there is anything wrong at all with a hybrid that
exactly the same mileage as another model.. but gives one the ability to
without starting a motor.

Not that there is anything wrong with a car that uses the Electic motor
solely as a acceleration booster/regen.
They are two different cars, though, I think.  Two cars that appeal or fit
to two different needs.

Some EV enthusiasts dont even like the combining of ICE and EV.. 'taints the
vehicle'..'it was simple.. now its complicated'

Of course.. it would be nice to have two vehicles.. an EV for short trips..
and the hybrid for long trips.  but not everyone
can have both.

>Message: 25
>   Date: Sat, 1 Feb 2003 01:00:17 -0500
>   From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Re: Re: What's wrong with this picture?
>Okay. But therein lies the conundrum. To take an engine from an
>existing auto that already gets 78.5 mpg and put it into a hybrid
>configuration only to get 80.0 mpg would give the inclination
>that something is largely awry. A hybrid that only gets 1.5 mpg
>greater efficiency is a great deal of work and cost for very
>little payback.
>While physics may be a factor, that and the university's material
>resources, I would think that if done properly the hybrid would
>be able to attain ~100 mpg.
>Not knocking it, and a person has to admit that the sports car
>has a bit of a different appeal than the Lupo. But something
>seems to be awry on this one.
>Hopefully the engineering students and mentor have already
>determined what that monkey wrench is.
>Todd Swearingen

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