To: British Red Cross

Thank you for your mail. In fact you are very far from being
a non-political, island of neutrality. Just a quick search of
the internet, eg 1998, shows  71% of your budget for international
action as coming from the UK Government Department for International

The head of this department, the Secretary of State for International
Development is Clare Short. Members of Parliament had opportunities
to vote for or against the assault on Iraq on...

26th February 2002     Clare Short voted for war.
18th March 2003        Clare Short voted for war.

You are very much emmeshed in this business, and I believe very, very
unlikely to bite the hand that feeds you. I'll direct my contributions

Andrew Preston

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:20:41 +0100, "supportercare supportercare"
> Dear Mr Preston
> Thank you for taking the time to write to us and express your concerns.
> We are a neutral, non-political organisation which does not comment on
> the rights and wrongs of conflict or the outcome. To do so would be to
> take sides and thereby put at risk the ability of the Red Cross to carry
> out its recognised role of providing humanitarian protection and
> assistance to victims on all sides during armed conflicts.  
> It is not our role to make public denouncements, as such public comment
> could compromise the perception of our neutrality.  Any comments the Red
> Cross may have on the conduct of military operations are communicated
> privately to the relevant authorities by the International Committee of
> Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the ICRC).  This enables the
> British Red Cross and other National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies
> to continue to retain the confidence of all parties to an armed conflict
> and thereby, to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to victims on
> all sides in conflict situations.
> I hope that this explains the position of the Red Cross regarding public
> comment.
> Yours sincerely
> Philip Brook
> Supporter Services Department
> Give to the Iraqi crisis appeal at

>>To: Red Cross, UK
>>Thank you for your email newsletter and your request for a donation
>>towards your work in Iraq.
>>I do try to give from what are currently rather limited means, and
>>for some time have been giving to UNICEF. 
>>I have, however, become increasingly concerned about the way that large
>>international aid organisations, such as yours (?), have become factored
>>into the war goals of US and UK politicians. Killing with one hand, and 
>>promised healing with the other. 
>>From now on I would prefer to give to organisations that are uninfected
>>by their proximity to those who wish to make war. Right now, as for
>>you and others, I'm not sure.
>>On the run up to the Iraqi conflict it was very obvious that the US and
>>UK had chosen to make war and that the involvement of the UN
>>was political theatre. I did not hear too much from international aid 
>>organisation in terms of denouncing either the politicians or the
>>of war.

Andrew Preston

On Thu, 10 Apr 2003 12:20:41 +0100, "supportercare supportercare"
> Dear Mr Preston
> Thank you for taking the time to write to us and express your concerns.
> We are a neutral, non-political organisation which does not comment on
> the rights and wrongs of conflict or the outcome. To do so would be to
> take sides and thereby put at risk the ability of the Red Cross to carry
> out its recognised role of providing humanitarian protection and
> assistance to victims on all sides during armed conflicts.  
> It is not our role to make public denouncements, as such public comment
> could compromise the perception of our neutrality.  Any comments the Red
> Cross may have on the conduct of military operations are communicated
> privately to the relevant authorities by the International Committee of
> Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (the ICRC).  This enables the
> British Red Cross and other National Red Cross and Red Crescent societies
> to continue to retain the confidence of all parties to an armed conflict
> and thereby, to continue to provide humanitarian assistance to victims on
> all sides in conflict situations.
> I hope that this explains the position of the Red Cross regarding public
> comment.
> Yours sincerely
> Philip Brook
> Supporter Services Department
> Give to the Iraqi crisis appeal at

>>To: Red Cross, UK
>>Thank you for your email newsletter and your request for a donation
>>towards your work in Iraq.
>>I do try to give from what are currently rather limited means, and
>>for some time have been giving to UNICEF. 
>>I have, however, become increasingly concerned about the way that large
>>international aid organisations, such as yours (?), have become factored
>>into the war goals of US and UK politicians. Killing with one hand, and 
>>promised healing with the other. 
>>From now on I would prefer to give to organisations that are uninfected
>>by their proximity to those who wish to make war. Right now, as for
>>you and others, I'm not sure.
>>On the run up to the Iraqi conflict it was very obvious that the US and
>>UK had chosen to make war and that the involvement of the UN
>>was political theatre. I did not hear too much from international aid 
>>organisations in terms of denouncing either the politicians or the
>>of war.

Andrew Preston
Andrew Preston

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