On Tue, 29 Apr 2003 01:17 am, murdoch wrote:
> >compulsory seatbelts, random breathtesting, standard national laws (0.05%
> >blood alcohol), 0% blood alcohol for the first 2 years of driving (2 years
> >probation, driving age is 18).

> There are dozens of differences or nuances one could attempt to
> consider as theories for our outrageously high danger of driving

snip a lot of good points...

yes, I agree with your points and yes I did get a bit high horsey mounted... 
stepping down now...

> statistics.  Sort of like the freakish high numbers of murders here,
> hilighted in Michael Moore's documentary.... the numbers are just very
> high, or seem so.

yeah, that was an eye-openning doco... (presume you mean Bowling for 
Columbine.)  I kinda assume that people know the US is pretty screwed up and 
it still surprises me when someone points out that the reason it is screwed 
up is not as straight forward and obvious as one might think.... I have my 
own theories, specifically that America cannot see past it's own sucess and 
is very introspective.... concequently it cannot see any point of view but 
it's own when dealling with others....  This explains a lot, but not all the 
issues the world has with teh USA, so I do have to be careful and re-ground 
my reality occasionally (please note: I knock the USA, but my own country is 
so damn keen to abandon it's uniqueness and underdog-based sterengths and 
become an ooutpost for the US that it makes me cringe...  I am sure if we had 
teh economic strength of the US we would screw it up just as badly - if not 
worse.  Also, note that I believe that the US and hence the world is heading 
for a major fall.... I just hope it is sooner than later so we have some 
chance of recovering with some natural resources left and an environment 
capable of supporeting life still)

there is one easy way to prevent death on the roads.... get rid of cars and 

Dr Paul van den Bergen
Centre for Advanced Internet Architectures
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