Hi girl-mark-fire,
Is there any sense in washing the BD when the pH is around 7 ?
I use the single stage base method.
If you recommend washing, what is the best way to do so ?

Met vriendelijke groeten,
Pieter Koole

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----- Original Message -----
From: "girl_mark_fire" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <biofuel@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2003 8:08 AM
Subject: [biofuel] Re: phosphoric acid in Foolproof method

> I think that part of the acid advice comes from Terry UK's old, old
> message that's up at your site- 'add a gloop' I think it says.  It was
> the best info there was at the time (a lot better than the
> bound-for-emulsion suggestions in Tickell's book which tell you to
> basically spray water at the stuff, I've been there done that and boy
> did it confuse me when it went to emulsion).
>  Terry's article is where I first saw bubblewashing instructions and
> though Aleks gives a different way of doing it, the 'just add a gloop'
> of acid bit sticks in one's mind I think. I thought that 'just keep
> adding acid' advice from Terry also really threw me off when I was
> first starting out with washing, as it didn't really explain emulsion
> other than to suggest fixing it with acid (with little accounting for
> different strengths of acid, etc...) Which is primarily why I wrote
> that article you've got up there. Perhaps Terry's article could use a
> link to your notes on acid in case people don' t find it by
> themselves?
> by the way when you use acids to break emulsion, how much acid do
> people use, compared to the amount needed to get the water pH to go
> neutral? It seems to me that it takes a while to see visible results
> by the 'just add some till emulsion clears' method, so people probably
> overdo the acid waiting to see results. Just a hunch.  Maybe a more
> scientific approach to that particular problem is in order as well?
> (I am a very big fan of hot water washing now and dont ' get emulsion
> at all no matter how vigerous the wash is, in fact I've been
> experimenting with all the 'emulsifying' wash methods- what Todd calls
> "Frog in a Blender'.  I'ts still quite hot outside right now so it
> doesn't cost me much in energy to heat. In winter it'll be a different
> story)
> . So I still don't recommend
> > >acidulating as a matter of course, unless you know what you're
> doing.
> > >It can be done right if you do a titration for soap/catalyst first
> to
> > >find out how much acid to use (that HCL/ bromophenol blue indicator
> > >titration that Juan described a week or so ago).
> >
> > Why do a titration? Adding it slowly while monitoring the pH should
> do.
> >
> >
> I'd like to test this out against that soap test, see if it turns out
> the same. Someone's already done the research to figure out what the
> soap test titration tells you in exact numbers, so it's one of those
> rare things in biodiesel shadetree testing, a quantitative measure.
> It's what I was looking for a year ago with quest
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