i have already posted a message in relation to this

Three times before this one, all of them similar.

and the answers i have gotten do not suffice.

All your questions were answered, the last time along with those of another member asking similar questions around the same time. That you still keep asking seems to indicate that it might be your attention level that does not suffice. The responses are here:



aim to bulid a biodiesel plant which would produce 1
cubice metre of biodiesel every 2 hours, which would
result in the same amount of wash water being
produced. What i want to know is wheather this wash
water if released into a nearby stream would cause
problems if it pH is neutralised, or what is the the
consistency of this water.

Well, Todd's answered you again now (hopefully you'll see it this time), but he's said it before - it's worth saying again, but didn't you check the archives for the information you want?

After all, a million-litre per year biodiesel plant such as you're proposing is obviously a commercial operation, normally you should be expecting to pay megabucks in consultancy fees for the information you're getting here for nothing, and it's probably better info anyway, but you can't even be bothered to look properly?

Keith Addison
List owner

Do your homework.

It's often said that one's favorite deity helps those who helps themselves. The truth in that statement depends on the faith of the reader, but what is true is that regulars on most groups are much more interested in helping people who have first exhausted their own resources. For one, those're usually the questions that're more interesting, the puzzles that're more challenging to solve. If it looks like it could be a hard problem, it also shows that there can be active cooperation with the person with the problem-a vital requirement to solving anything difficult. If it's an easy problem but the person asking it tried hard and is still stumped, nearly everybody will have sympathy. Everybody knows what it's like to have given something your all, only to fail until somebody else gave a helping hand.

If, on the other hand, it's an easy problem that could have been answered with a minimum amount of effortÉwell, it's just a waste of everybody's time. The person who asked the question could have gotten the answer in a fraction of the time it'll take to get a reply from the group. The note adds to the omnipresent clutter and noise in the electronic world, wasting a minute of time from hundreds of people. And it often gets people's hackles up, which sometimes results in heated arguments, further wasting people's time and energy.

But the biggest reason for doing your homework before you post is that you'll almost always find the answer yourself. People-you included-learn much better when they come to the answer through their own means; having somebody dictate the solution won't really make it stick. There's an excellent chance that you'll also discover something else useful along the way. Even if not, you'll get better skilled at research.

-- From: Netiquette

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