As you will nodoubt have no trouble agreeing, there are many more sincere Christians outside the confines of so-called structured religion than within it. This is not to say that there are not sincere believers within the structure, it is that there are many more outside of it percentia. Now whether those will openly admit to their inner belief or not is another matter, not wanting to or able to sustain association with the outlandishly hypocritical element with the confined structure. Ceremonialisms are fine for what they are, mere physical props that are supposed to depict spiritual truths, but the problem is that the institutionalised religions have gotten so involved with the depictions that they have lost the purpose for their existance. All of creation is one such depiction, but many people have gotten so caught up with the creature that they have lost contact with the Creator. Church buildings and their inherent structural heirarchy do not necessarily legitimately demonstrate the truths that are expected to be representative of the purpose for creation, and often they work in exactly the opposite direction. Does one "need" a church building to worship God? Absolutely NOT. For many it sometimes fascilitates it but is by no means absolute.To claim otherwise is to put God in a restrictive man-made box and that is not possible. The Bible tells us that God is a Spirit and those who worship Him must worship Him in truth and in Spirit. this can be done anywhere and in any venue and is not limited to any structure or man-made systems. It is only limited in thedepths of one's own heart.
Have a nice day.
----- Original Message ----- From: "Appal Energy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 7:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Hello Robert,

Many who are insincere fill our ranks

That's one reason why I left "the church" long ago. People went to service on Sundays, and back to pumping dioxin laden waste waters into a river or running insurance scams Monday thru Friday, with a token bible study thrown in somewhere between to salve their consciences.

No thanks. If the body is a temple and the Earth a cathedral, I don't see where I need any stained glass (leaded no less), candles, incense or fire and brimstone to lead me to any conclusions as to what's real and what's pure horse muffins.

Humans. God love 'em. 'Cause that's about all who can.

Todd Swearingen

Religion - What keeps the poor from killing the rich.

----- Original Message ----- From: "robert luis rabello" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, December 26, 2004 6:57 PM
Subject: Re: [Biofuel] Titration problems

Appal Energy wrote:

If going to church makes a person a Christian, does going to a garage make a person a car?


My paternal grandfather would get annoyed that as a child, I insisted that I was an American, rather than Brasillian. He told this story to illustrate his point: (This must be spoken in a deep, melodious, Portuguese-accented voice for full effect.)

"There is a gato, you say cat, who likes to go to the oven where it is always warm. One day, this gato has gatinios inside the oven. Now my son, are they cat, or bread?"

Of course church attendance does not a Christian make, nor does simple acceptance of the label. I think, Todd, that you are intelligent enough to tell the difference between genuine Christians and those among us who tag along for other reasons. Many who are insincere fill our ranks, and while genuine Christians attend church for worship, service and fellowship, the above story applies both to those who are sincere and those who are not.

robert luis rabello
"The Edge of Justice"
Adventure for Your Mind>

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